Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This is a crazy awesome story:
So on Saturday, the Sunday school teacher randomly came up to me and asked me to talk in her class. So I agreed! I had no idea what I was going to talk about, which always gives room for God to talk!

So I was praying Sunday morning, really seeking the Lord about what He wanted me to talk about. And then it hit me: BAM! The bracelets I have a bracelet from a children’s pastor named, Rob. He gave me the bracelet (that God told him to make) and they are like the color bead bracelets, but they have pictures on them instead. So that is what I was going to talk about to the children!

So it’s time for me to speak and I have a person helping interpret for me and WOW! It was amazing, because I was asked: how do you evangelize in the states, so it was perfect because I could talk about the bracelets! And they want them! So hopefully I will be able to get the pastor to send some down to me to give out to the children, because it is a great evangelism tool! Here is the website to find out more about this cool evangelism tool:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

beds = joy

So this story is outta control. So this guy from the states gave money to buy some beds for a family that lives at the garbage dump, because their beds look like this:

So we bought two bunk-beds 
and loaded ALL of it onto a taxi, 
which looked like this:

Then we drove to their house and the kids did this:

We did this:

 They did this:

That is what I call: JOY UNSPEAKABLE.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

No fear

So in my last blog, I talked about our ONLY enemy: Satan and his demons. The spiritual war isn’t nice and friendly, it’s violent, and a war is usually scary, which might bring fear.

Is it safe where I’m living? No. the first missionary family, who was here a year ago, was held at gunpoint for their truck. Even the locals are robbed. So no it’s not safe.

Am I fearful? No.
Why? Because of what Isaiah 8:13, 14: Don’t fear anything except the Lord of the armies of Heaven! If you fear Him, you need fear nothing else. He will be your safety.

Now I could get “STUFF” to keep me from being fearful, right? But a life of security is more risky than a life of risk. How? Where is your security? Money: it can turn to pennies tomorrow. House: it can burn down tomorrow. Family: they can be gone tomorrow.
Legit: where is your security? ANYTHING other than Jesus Christ can be gone tomorrow.

Have no fear. God is our PERFECT Heavenly Father and will protect you. I rebuke fear in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and command peace to fill your life.

Oh and this is obvious, but Psalm 91.Yeah, He’s got your back. Don’t worry.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Who is our enemy?

Are they people, are people our enemy? No, because every person is a child of God. Every person was CREATED by God. So….our enemy is Satan and his demons, and the chains that the enemy uses. Chains of fear, insecurity, guilt, depression, lust, greed, lies, theft, and the list goes on. What chains may still be on your life?

There is a spiritual war out there...obviously. Ephesisans 6:12 – For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
And THAT is why we need the spiritual armor (see surrounding verses to verse 12).
BUT: GREAT NEWS!   We have weapons...LEGIT weapons: 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6 (verse 4b: On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.)

We are warriors for Christ and He will lead and guide us.
Men, put down the violent video games, not because they are ‘bad’...because they are the WRONG battle. The Lord has a HUGE sword in the spiritual realm for you. Jesus Christ has MASSIVE guns waiting for you to pick up and use in the spiritual. We need to stop using our physical eyes and start using our spiritual eyes.
Legit, boys: RISE UP AS MEN and put down the controller and when you do, Jesus Christ will put you through a purification process (boot camp) and then you will be a man and He will send you out into battle. You thought you had a big sword, gun, and armor in your little video game...well Jesus has something way better than you could ever as or imagine (Eph. 3:20).
Rise up and take the weapons that the Lord has given you and FIGHT for your family and the ones you love. Fight in the Lord’s army.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wed afternoons

Wednesday afternoons: WOOHOO! We go out to the community soccer/basketball court to put on a children’s program every Wednesday afternoon. And I LOVE IT! I play soccer before the program with some of the boys and it’s a blast! Then we have singing, games, Bible story, craft, food, give them stuff for school, and other special things!  

It remeinds me of what I do on Wednesday evenings at Salvation Army Boyertown. I’ve been helping them out for the past 5 year of my life and I LOVE it there! This Wednesday  afternoon children’s program in Peru has been SUCH A BLESSING to me :’)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

And yet...

What comes to your mind when you see those words? And yet... ... ...
I’m not sure what you are thinking, but those are some powerful words. It means there is perseverance, persistence,  endurance,  FAITHFULNESS, etc.

The last verse in Psalm 89 uses this word and it hit me like a ton of bricks. The first half of the Psalm (verses 1-26) is all praise to God and telling Him how awesome and legit He is. Then the other half (verses 27-51) is about questioning God, if He is really there. Then BAM...the last verse (v. 52) uses the words  AND YET.  “And yet – blessed be the Lord forever!” wow. (Most versions don’t use the words “and yet,” but it’s still POWERFUL. wow)
That is what we need, that kind of character. Through thick and thin, a brother that will always be there. Things may go horrible, AND YET I will praise the Lord.  (always hold me accountable to that!)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Solar-water light bulb

So this is a solar-water 55watt light bulb:

This is how you install it:
This is what it does:
We’re going green...haha
if you want to know more, just let me know. I have a whole powerpoint about it!